The National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) estimates approximately 80 percent of skiers and snowboarders on United States ski slopes used helmets during the 2015-2016 ski season. Although ski helmets do not provide complete protection from head injuries, they do help reduce the severity of the injury.
Does the Mix of Music and the Slopes Cause Injuries?
There is absolutely nothing like plugging in your headphones, listening to your favorite playlist, and zoning into whatever you are doing. We do this to power through the workday or to get some peace on the early morning commute. Our headphones and our favorite jams get us through those last few miles on the treadmill […]
It’s a Slippery Slope: Exploring Dangers of Skiing
What do you think of when you think of skiing? Do you think of the cool air whipping across your face as you speed down the Vail slopes? Do you think of the thrill of conquering a new slope? Do you contemplate what could happen to you if you had an accident? Probably not. One […]
3 Most Common Ski Accident Injuries
Last month, we cheered on American Olympians in Sochi, watching as they dazzled us on the slopes, halfpipe, and skating rinks. As a proud Colorado Springs, Colorado business, we’re thrilled to have the U.S. Olympic Training Center in our own backyard. One of the most exciting parts of the Olympics for many Coloradans has been […]
How effective are ski and snowboard helmets?
There’s nothing quite like hitting the slopes in Colorado, fresh powder flying behind you, cutting through the snow as you race down a mountain. Unfortunately, as a personal injury attorney in Colorado Springs, I see a fair share of rides that don’t end well for skiers and snowboarders. In many of these cases, simply wearing […]