At Sears & Associates, P.C., we are honored to help our Colorado Springs clients with their personal injury needs. We are especially honored when we are able to help those who have served our country in the military.
As you may have read on our website, we continue this commitment to helping our friends in the military by donating to the Wounded Warrior Project.
The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is ultimately “to honor and empower Wounded Warriors.” The organization does this by raising awareness, helping injured service members, and providing resources and programs to assist them further.
You may have read our June blog post where we encouraged you to participate in the Wounded Warrior Project 8k Run. As advocates of this organization, we always want to alert you to other opportunities to help out.
If you missed out on the 8k run in June, the Spartyka Wounded Warrior 5k Run/Walk on September 27th is another Colorado Springs opportunity to actively participate in the organization’s efforts. The purpose of this run is not only to raise funds, but also to raise awareness and ultimately show support to the men and women who tirelessly support our country each day.
Taking place in Colorado Springs at Monument Valley Park, the race starts at 9:00 A.M. To participate, be sure to pre-register by September 25.
On September 27, wear your running shoes and bring your patriotic spirit. Improve your 5k time, or take a leisurely walk with family or friends. Regardless, you will be showing your support for our troops.
We could never do enough for these veterans, and we only hope that each time we donate a portion of a contingency fee, we are truly making an impact on our service members.
Photo Credit: familymwr [user is no longer active on platform] via Compfight cc