Do you think texting and driving or drunk driving takes the lives of more teenagers each year?

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Sadly, with today’s increasing attachment to mobile technology, texting has become the deadliest culprit for teens behind the wheel.
According to a study conducted by Cohen Children’s Medical Center, 3,000 teenagers are now dying annually from texting while driving, while drunk driving is causing 2,700 deaths annually.
In 2014, CBS published a video (no longer available) that outlined some of the facts and statistics around distracted driving.
One point in the video that especially stood out to me is this: while we would expect drunk driving deaths to be higher, consider the frequency of teenagers driving drunk versus the time they have a phone in their hands when behind the wheel. The fact is, teens aren’t driving drunk seven days a week (thank goodness)—but they are on their mobile phone for hours per day.
According to CBS, 50 percent of students are still texting and driving, despite PSAs and national conversation surrounding the issue. What’s even worse is the lack of “leading by example” from parents; the Center for Disease Control and Protection claims 69 percent of adults (18-64) admit to talking on their phone while driving—31 percent confess to texting or reading/responding to emails behind the wheel.
As an auto accident injury attorney in Colorado Springs, Colorado, I see the repercussions of texting and driving much too frequently. If you are a parent of a teenager, please discuss with the dangers of texting and driving. Even more importantly, lead by example—don’t text and drive yourself, especially with your children present in the vehicle.
If you have questions about distracted driving accidents in Colorado, contact an experienced auto accident injury attorney today.