As experienced auto accident attorneys in Colorado Springs, Colorado, we’ve seen just about every kind of crash. Once in a while, however, a wreck comes along that really stands out.
Just such a crash occurred near Philadelphia on July 31.
The accident involved three motorcycles and two cars in Upper Dublin Township, Pennsylvania. One motorcyclist died, while three others were injured.
Three motorcycles and an SUV were traveling westbound along Welsh Road around 11:30 p.m. Another car was traveling eastbound when the vehicles collided.
The motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene. The other two bikers were taken to a nearby hospital with serious injuries. The driver of the car traveling eastbound, a Toyota Camry, suffered minor injuries and was treated and released from the hospital.
The driver of the SUV was not hurt. Although the official cause of the crash hasn’t been released, at least two of the vehicles hit head-on.
This accident is yet another brutal reminder of the hazards of the road for motorcyclists. Cars and trucks pose very dangerous threats. A biker will generally incur more serious injuries due to the mass of the other vehicle and the lack of protection the motorcycle provides.
This particular accident may have happened across the country, but the gravity of the incident hits us in Colorado Springs.
When you are out on your motorcycle, please be careful to watch out for cars, trucks, and other motorcyclists. When riding in pairs or groups, make sure to be aware of where the other riders are.
If you are the driver of a car, truck or SUV, watch out for motorcyclists: they can hide in your blind spots. Please share the road, and do not drive too close to motorcycles.