Thanks to technology, we are constantly able to communicate with others. 24/7, day or night, in the bathroom, at the gym, or at work –we can be reached thanks to this handy-dandy device we call a smartphone.
Our smart phones help us keep my life in order. We feel the need to be constantly connected with friends and family. And despite the hype, it’s not just teens that experience the temptations of texting and driving–it’s everyone. Deadly vehicle crashes occur every day because someone merely wanted to respond with a simple “LOL” or “I love you.”
If the thought of injuring yourself and others is not enough to put your phone away while driving down I-70, the temptation will certainly subside after watching this shocking video. Not only will this make you not want to use your phone while driving, but also it will make you think twice about flashing your phone in the movie theater.
Volkswagen created the “Eyes on the Road” PSA in a Hong Kong movie theater. Moviegoers were expecting the normal twenty minutes of previews for upcoming attractions and suggestions to go to the concession stand. Instead, they became a part of the interactive texting and driving PSA.
The video depicts a car driving down the road on a peaceful forest drive from the driver’s perspective. While showing this, Volkswagen sent a text message to all of the moviegoers. On cue, they opened the message. As soon as they did, the video turned from peaceful to deadly as the on-screen car crashed and the moviegoers jumped, shocked at what had happened so quickly. Without even driving, these moviegoers had experienced the effects of a texting-and-driving occurrence gone bad.
After watching this ad, do you think Volkswagen went too far? Would you show this to the drivers in your family? Did they get their point across? While scare tactics are not necessarily the way to go, this video certainly portrays the threats involved when you use your phone while driving.
At Sears & Associates, P.C., the last thing we want is to hear about you being injured in a car accident, especially by one caused by texting and driving.
Photo Credit: DaveLawler via Compfight cc